Kategoriyan hilbijêre;

Tenê yên kurdî?:

Pêşîn yên:

Agahî: dema 2 an jî zêdetir kategorî hatin hilbijartin, bila mijar wan hemû kategoriyênku te bijartine, bihewîne an hema tenê yek ji wan kategoriyan bihewîne jî bes e?
Hemû an hema kîjan be:

16 mijar û 26 peyam
melancholy man

melancholy man

1. Straneke gelekî xweş e.

Gotinên stranê:

I'm a melancholy man, that's what I am,
All the world surrounds me, and my feet are on the ground.
I'm a very lonely man, doing what I can,
All the world astounds me and I think I understand
That we're going to keep growing, wait and see.

When all the stars are falling down
Into the sea and on the ground,
And angry voices carry on the wind,
A beam of light will fill your head
And you'll remember what's been said
By all the good men this world's ever known.

Another man is what you'll see,
Who looks like you and looks like me,
And yet somehow he will not feel the same,
His life caught up in misery, he doesn't think like you and me,
'Cause he can't see what you and I can see.

When all the stars are falling down
Into the sea and on the ground,
And angry voices carry on the wind,
A beam of light will fill your head
And you'll remember what's been said
By all the good men this world's ever known.

Another man is what you'll see,
Who looks like you and looks like me,
And yet somehow he will not feel the same,
His life caught up in misery, he doesn't think like you and me,
'Cause he can't see what you and I can see.

I'm a melancholy man
That's what I am
All the world surrounds me...
I'm a very lonely man
Just doing what I can
All the world astounds me and I think I understand
That we're going to keep growing
Just wait and see
Wait and see

That we're going to keep growing
Just you wait and see
It's comin'! Just wait
Just you wait and see
I'm a melancholy man
That's what I am
Just doing what I can

17.09.2023 02:42 ~02:42 | mergehez

Hemûyan Bixwîne

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