Kategoriyan hilbijêre;

Tenê yên kurdî?:

Pêşîn yên:

Agahî: dema 2 an jî zêdetir kategorî hatin hilbijartin, bila mijar wan hemû kategoriyênku te bijartine, bihewîne an hema tenê yek ji wan kategoriyan bihewîne jî bes e?
Hemû an hema kîjan be:

47 mijar û 88 peyam


1. navê strana arcade fire

trapped in a prism

ın a prism of light

alone in the darkness

darkness of white

we fell in love

alone on a stage

ın the reflective age

entre la nuit, la nuit et l’aurore.

entre le royaume, des vivants et des morts.

ıf this is heaven

ı don’t know what it’s for

ıf ı can’t find you there

ı don’t care

ı thought ı found a way to enter

ıt’s just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

ı thought ı found the connector

ıt’s just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

the signals we send

are deflected again

we’re still connected

but are we even friends?

we fell in love when ı was nineteen

and ı was staring at a screen

entre le nuit, le nuit et l’aurore.

entre les voyants, les vivants et les morts.

ıf this is heaven

ı need something more

just a place to be alone

cause you’re my home???

ı thought ı found a way to enter

ıt’s just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

ı thought ı found the connector

ıt’s just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

ıt’s just a reflection of a reflection

of a reflection of a reflection

will ı see you on the other side?

we all got things to hide

ıt’s just a reflection of a reflection

of a reflection of a reflection

will ı see you on the other side?

we all got things to hide

alright, let’s go back

our song escapes

on neon silver discs

our love is plastic

we’ll break it to bits

ı want to break free

but will they break me?

down, down, down

don’t mess around

ı thought ı found a way to enter

ıt’s just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

ı thought ı found the connector

ıt’s just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

thought you would bring me to the ressurector

turns out it was just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

thought you would bring to me the ressurector

turns out it was just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

thought you would bring to me the ressurector

turns out it was just a reflektor (ıt’s just a reflektor)

ıt’s a reflektor

ıt’s just a reflektor

just a reflektor

will ı see you on the other side?

ıt’s just a reflektor

will ı see you on the other side?

we all got things to hide

ıt’s just a reflektor

will ı see you on the other side?

05.05.2014 14:27 | yoda

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» reflektor

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