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4 mijar û 6 peyam
why'd you only call me when you're high - tirşik
why'd you only call me when you're high
(0) (0) (1)
di mijarê de bigere

1. straneke xweş ya Arctic Monkeys

the mirror's image,

ıt tells me it's home time,

but ı'm not finished,

'cause you're not by my side.

and as ı arrived ı thought ı saw you leaving,

carrying your shoes,

decided that once again ı was just dreaming,

of bumping into you.

now it's three in the morning,

and ı'm trying to change your mind,

left you multiple missed calls

and to my message you reply.

why'd you only call me when you're high?


why'd you only call me when you're high?

somewhere darker,

talking the same shite,

ı need a partner,

well are you out tonight?

ıt's harder and harder to get you to listen,

more ı get through the gears,

incapable of making alright decisions,

and having bad ideas.

now it's three in the morning,

and ı'm trying to change your mind,

left you multiple missed calls

and to my message you reply.

(message you reply)

why'd you only call me when you're high?

(why'd you only call me when you're)


why'd you only call me when you're high?

and ı can't see you here when ı'm high,

sort of feels like ı'm running out of time,

ı haven't found all ı was hoping to find,

you said you got to be up in the morning,

gonna have an early night,

and you starting to bore me, baby,

why'd you only call me when you're high?

why'd you only ever call me when you're high?

why'd you only ever phone me when you're high?


11.05.2014 23:54 | yoda

2. (bnr: yoda was here)

11.05.2014 23:55 | cinorek

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