Kategoriyan hilbijêre;

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Agahî: dema 2 an jî zêdetir kategorî hatin hilbijartin, bila mijar wan hemû kategoriyênku te bijartine, bihewîne an hema tenê yek ji wan kategoriyan bihewîne jî bes e?
Hemû an hema kîjan be:

7 mijar û 10 peyam
home - tirşik
(0) (0) (1)
di mijarê de bigere

1. straneke xweş ya Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

Alabama, Arkansas,

I do love my Ma and Pa

Not the way that I do love you

Well, holy moly me oh my

You’re the apple of my eye

Girl, I've never loved one like you

Man, oh, man, you're my best friend

I scream it to the nothingness

There ain't nothing that I need

Well, hot and heavy pumpkin pie

Chocolate candy, Jesus Christ

Ain't nothing please me more than you


Home, let me come home

Home is wherever I'm with you

Home, let me come home

Home is wherever I'm with you

La la la la

Take me home

Mama, I'm coming home

I'll follow you into the park,

Through the jungle, through the dark

Girl, I've never loved one like you

Moats and boats, and waterfalls,

Alleyways, and payphone calls

I been everywhere with you (that's true)

Laugh until we think we'll die,

Barefoot on a summer night

Never could be sweeter than with you

And in the streets you run afree,

Like it's only you and me,

Geez, you're something to see.


La la la la

Take me home

Mama, I'm coming home

‒ Jade?

‒ Alexander?

‒ Do you remember that day you fell outta my window?

‒ I sure do‒you came jumping out after me.

‒ Well, you fell on the concrete, nearly broke your ass, and you were bleeding all over the place, and I rushed you out to the hospital, you remember that?

‒ Yes, I do.

‒ Well, there's something I never told you about that night.

‒ What didn't you tell me?

‒ Well, while you were sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last, I was falling deep, deeply in love with you, and I never told you 'til just now!


Home, let me come home,

Home is wherever I'm with you

Our home, yes, I am home,

Home is when I’m alone with you

Alabama, Arkansas,

I do love my Ma and Pa

Moats and boats, and waterfalls,

Alleyways, and payphone calls

Home is when I'm alone with you!

Home is when I’m alone with you


23.05.2014 11:48 | darthvader

2. bi îngîlîzî mal, house jî xanî ye, di malperên înternetî de jî wek serrûpel tê bikaranîn..

23.05.2014 11:54 | endazer

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