Kategoriyan hilbijêre;

Tenê yên kurdî?:

Pêşîn yên:

Agahî: dema 2 an jî zêdetir kategorî hatin hilbijartin, bila mijar wan hemû kategoriyênku te bijartine, bihewîne an hema tenê yek ji wan kategoriyan bihewîne jî bes e?
Hemû an hema kîjan be:

4 mijar û 6 peyam
kîne em?

kîne em?

3. English

Who Am I?

Who am I you ask?

The Kurd of Kurdistan I am

In the face of enemy

Fire and dynamite

When furious

Like a volcano

I shake the mountains

The sparks of my fury

Are death to the foe.

Who am I? !

I am in the east

With forts and castles

Towns and hamlets

Rocks and boulders

I saved the Middle East

From invading Turks

And the crusaders.

Who am I? !

Ask the Near East

Ask the Middle East

Villages and towns

Plains and deserts

They were once all mine

When by war and knowledge

I defeated rivals

To become crowned

Over an empire

That reached India.

Who am I? !

I am the proud Kurd

Of a noble race

The enemy’s enemy

To the peaceful friend

Like my mighty ancestors

I want to be free

Not forever oppressed

By this enemy

Who won’t leave in peace.

Who am I? !

I want to liberate

My parks and meadows

From the tyrants

From the corrupt Shah

The Turkish juntas

So I may live free

In my own homeland

Like other nations

So I can rebuild

And contribute

To the good of mankind.

Who am I? !

The one who defeated

Richard the Lion Heart

My own blood I shed

To defend these lands

A thorn I once was

In the enemy' side

In my shadow lived

Turk and Persian

Many a king held

The halter of my horse

Yes I am the warrior

I am Saladin

The King of Egypt,

Syria and Palestine.

Who am I? !

I am Ardasher

I am Noshi Rawan

In the ancient days

Rivals feared my kings

Regretted their wrath.

I knew no fright

With adventure in love

From India to Greece

They paid me tribute.

Who am I? !

The Kurd of Kurdistan I am

Now poor and oppressed

My castles and forts

Remain demolished

My name and my fame

Swindled by assailants

Who set germs to my body

To paralyse my being

And make my nation

Nameless with no friend.

Who am I? !

The unyielding Kurd

Who despite it all

Still formidable

To his enemies.

The smell of dynamite

Is again in my nose

The desire to erupt

Is lively in my heart

I am the fighting valiant

In my majestic mountains

Not for the love of death

But to live free

In my Kurdistan

The land of the Medes

My proud ancestors.

Who am I? !

I am the descendant

Of Blacksmith Kawa

Who slayed Dahak

The notorious tyrant

To break off chains

From Kurdish shoulders

And save many heads

From his death list

With his death ended

The long vicious reign

And Newroz was born

To mark a new day

Replacing darkness

By the bright sun

Offered by Ahirman

God of wisdom and light

Who defeats Ormazd

The cruel evil god

As revealed long ago

By Zoroastra.

Who am I? !

The maker of Newroz

Seeking my destiny

To rule my own land

Enjoy my orchards

Relish the sacred wines

Of my own vineyards

I shall pursue knowledge

To again break the chains

So I can breath

The wind of liberty

Who am I? !

Khaldaw and Mitan

Nayri and Sobar

The son of Lo Lo

Kardokh and Kodi

I belong to the Medes

Hori and Gudi

Kurmanj and the Gosh

Kelhor, Lor and Gor.

Despite oppression

And the division

I am on my land

Kurdish to remain.

Who am I?

The son of the Lor

Kurmanj and Kelhor

Who lost crown and reign

When in the name of religion

They were once betrayed

To became powerless

Rosaries in hands

Duped by the rulers

Deprived of their wealth

Fighting each other

Divided and torn

In the oppressed land

My wretched Kurdistan.

Who am I?

The child of a nation

Awaken from deep sleep

To march once again

As a proud lion

To let the world know

My struggle will go on

In the path to freedom.

I shall learn from great men

of every era

I shall make a vow

To my ancestors

Salar and Sherko

As well as Daysam

That this will of mine

will remain alive.

Let everyone know

I announce with no fear

Liberty is my goal

I shall never give up.

Who am I?

I desire peace

Not to shed blood

But I have enemies

Who deny my rights

I stretch my hands

They betray and lie.

My friendship I offer

To all the nations

Death to oppressors

Long live Kurdistan.

Who am I?

29.03.2015 09:04 ~09:07 | qoling

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