Kategoriyan hilbijêre;

Tenê yên kurdî?:

Pêşîn yên:

Agahî: dema 2 an jî zêdetir kategorî hatin hilbijartin, bila mijar wan hemû kategoriyênku te bijartine, bihewîne an hema tenê yek ji wan kategoriyan bihewîne jî bes e?
Hemû an hema kîjan be:

6 mijar û 8 peyam
off to the races

off to the races

1. straneka lana del reyê ye, ji albûma born to die. stranek seyr û ecêb e, gotinên stranê biçekî bêedeb in û rîtm û newaya stranê jî zêde nehs û nesekinî ne, bawerim ne lana del rey be tu kes nikarevê stranê bêje, ya rastî performansa wê ya zindî bi xwe jî ew qasî ne serkeftî ye, dengê qerebalixê yê li paşfona stranê jî rîtmeke cuda didin stranê..

performansa zindî;

qeyda albûmê;

my old man is a bad man,

but ı can't deny the way he holds my hand

and he grabs me, he has me by my heart.

he doesn't mind ı have a las vegas past;

he doesn't mind ı have an l.a. crass way about me.

he loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart.

swimming pool glimmering, darling,

white bikini off with my red nail polish.

watch me in the swimming pool,

bright blue ripples, you

sittin', sippin', on your black crystal, oh yeah

light of my life, fire of my loins,

be a good baby, do what ı want.

light of my life, fire of my loins,

give me them gold coins,

give me them coins.

now ı'm off to the races, cases

of bacardi chasers,

chasin' me all over town

'cause he knows ı'm wasted, facin'

time again at riker's

ısland and ı won't get out

because ı'm crazy, baby.

ı need you to come here and save me.

ı'm your little scarlet starlet,

singin' in the garden.

kiss me on my open mouth,

ready for you.

my old man is a tough man,

but he got a soul as sweet as blood-red jam

and he shows me, he knows me,

every inch of my tar-black soul.

he doesn't mind ı have a flat, broke-down life.

ın fact, he says he thinks it's what he might like

about me, admires me,

the way ı roll like a rolling stone.

likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom,

chateau marmont. slippin' on my red dress,

puttin' on my make-up. glass room,

perfume, cognac, lilac fumes,

says it feels like heaven to him.

light of his life, fire of his loins,

keep me forever, tell me you own me.

light of your life, fire of your loins,

tell me you own me, gimme them coins.

and ı'm off to the races, cases

of bacardi chasers,

chasin' me all over town

'cause he knows ı'm wasted, facin'

time again at riker's

ısland and ı won't get out

because ı'm crazy, baby.

ı need you to come here and save me.

ı'm your little scarlet starlet,

singin' in the garden.

kiss me on my open mouth.

yo, ı'm off to the races, laces,

leather on my waist is

tight and ı am falling down.

ı can see your face is shameless,

cipriani's basement

love you, but ı'm going down.

god, ı'm so crazy, baby.

ı'm sorry that ı'm misbehaving.

ı'm your little harlot, starlet,

queen of coney ısland,

raisin' hell all over town...

sorry 'bout it.

my old man is a thief, and

ı'm gonna stay and pray with him till the end.

but ı trust in the decision of the lord

to watch over us,

take him when he may, if he may.

ı'm not afraid to say

that ı'd die without him.

who else is gonna put up with me this way?

ı need you, ı breathe you, ı'd never leave you.

they would rue the day ı was alone without you.

you're lyin' with your gold chain on,

cigar hanging from your lips.

ı said, "hun, you never looked so beautiful

as you do now, my man."

and we're off to the races, places,

ready, set, the gate is down

and now we're going in

to las vegas, chaos, casino oasis;

honey, it is time to spin.

boy, you're so crazy, baby,

ı love you forever,

not maybe.

you are my one true love

you are my one true love

you are my one true love

21.06.2016 00:42 | endazer

Hemûyan Bixwîne

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