Kategoriyan hilbijêre;

Tenê yên kurdî?:

Pêşîn yên:

Agahî: dema 2 an jî zêdetir kategorî hatin hilbijartin, bila mijar wan hemû kategoriyênku te bijartine, bihewîne an hema tenê yek ji wan kategoriyan bihewîne jî bes e?
Hemû an hema kîjan be:

4 mijar û 6 peyam


1. straneke xweş ya (bnr: lorde)

i've never seen a diamond in the flesh

i cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies

and i'm not proud of my address

in the torn up town, no post code envy

but every song's like:

gold teeth

grey goose

tripping in the bathroom


ball gowns

trashing the hotel room

we don't care, we're driving cadillacs in our dreams

but everybody's like:



diamonds on your timepiece

jet planes


tigers on a gold leash

we don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair

and we'll never be royals (royals)

it don't run in our blood

that kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz

let me be your ruler (ruler)

you can call me queen bee

and baby i'll rule, i'll rule, i'll rule, i'll rule

let me live that fantasy

my friends and i we've cracked the code

we count our dollars on the train to the party

and everyone who knows us knows

that we're fine with this, we didn't come from money

but every song's like:

gold teeth

grey goose

tripping in the bathroom


ball gowns

trashing the hotel room

we don't care, we're driving cadillacs in our dreams

but everybody's like:



diamonds on your timepiece

jet planes


tigers on a gold leash

we don't care, we're aren't caught up in your love affair

and we'll never be royals (royals)

it don't run in our blood

that kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz

let me be your ruler (ruler)

you can call me queen bee

and baby i'll rule, i'll rule, i'll rule, i'll rule

let me live that fantasy

ooh ooh oh ooh

we're better than we've every dreamed

and i'm in love with being queen

ooh ooh oh ooh

life is great without a care

we aren't caught up in your love affair

and we'll never be royals (royals)

it don't run in our blood

that kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz

let me be your ruler (ruler)

you can call me queen bee

and baby i'll rule, i'll rule, i'll rule, i'll rule

let me live that fantasy


12.05.2014 00:16 | yoda

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