Ferhenga înteraktîf
people help the people
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di mijarê de bigere
tirşik-people help the people

1. straneke xweş ya birdy

God knows what is hiding in those weak and drunken hearts

Guess he kissed the girls and made them cry

Those hard-faced queens of misadventure

God knows what is hiding in those weak and sunken lives

Fiery throngs of muted angels

Giving love but getting nothing back, oh

People help the people

And if you're homesick

give me your hand and I'll hold it

People help the people

And nothing will drag you down

Oh and if I had a brain,

Oh and if I had a brain

I'd be cold as a stone and rich as a fool

That turned all those good hearts away

God knows what is hiding in this world of little consequence

Behind the tears, inside the lies

A thousand slowly dying sunsets

God knows what is hiding in those weak and drunken hearts

Guess the loneliness came knocking

No one needs to be alone, oh singin'

People help the people

And if you're homesick,

give me your hand and I'll hold it

People help the people

Nothing will drag you down

Oh and if I had a brain,

Oh and if I had a brain

I'd be cold as a stone and rich as a fool

That turned all those good hearts away

People help the people

And if you're homesick,

give me your hand and I'll hold it

People help the people

Nothing will drag you down

Oh and if I had a brain,

Oh and if I had a brain

I'd be cold as a stone and rich as a fool

That turned all those good hearts away

03.04.2015 20:14 | yoda

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